Deploy Golang & Mongo on Kubernetes (Minikube)
At this time i will make a tutorial how to deploy simple go application with minikube, before going further you can visit my old article
- about kubernetes on : :
- About docker on :
At firs we need a simple go application and i have already made it, and can be downloaded from :
On the repo i created many configuration file for deploying application and mongoDB
About what is deployment, service, pv (kubernetes volume), pvc (kubernetes volume claim) please refer to kubernetes doc :
Required software for deploying go app with minikube :
- Install virtual box to start minikube
- Install minikube
- Install kubectl
- Install docker
- Create account for docker hub
- Make sure those software are running well
Steps to deploy go app with kubernates :
- Install mongo DB in kubernates
Download file with mongo prefix from
Run below command sequantly:
- kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongo-pv.yaml
- kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongo-pvc.yaml
- kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongo-deployment.yaml
- kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongo-service.yaml
The message should be created, not unchanged, because of i have already deployed those file so that the message is unchanged.
To see / check the service we run : minikube service service-name for example
minikube service mongodb
And base the picture we got link :
Create data according above picture, so that the json can be consumed by application.
"name" : "Wick",
"grade" : "5"
The sample code will query based on name, where the name is Wick.
2. Application deployment :
a. Create empty repo on docker hub
For example wahyuehs7/go-mongo
b. Create image
docker build -t wahyuehs7/go-mongo:1.0 .
c. Push image to docker hub
#docker push wahyuehs7/go-mongo:1.0
d. Run below command sequantly:
- kubectl apply -f kubernetes/app-deployment.yaml
- kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongo-service.yaml
To test app service, issues command :
minikube service goapp-srv
sources :